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Letting go.
My need to control...I let you go.
My lack to trust....I let you go.
My past....I let you go.
My ability to love....I welcome you.
My ability to give...I welcome you.
My future....I welcome you.

I dont want to control things or people anymore cause by doing so they are controlling me. If people want to lie and cheat on me....I will let them. I can never stop anybody from harming me. The only thing I can do is to take responsibility for my own actions and be as truthful as I possibly can towards myself and others. Because I trust that what I give...I will recieve.
The law of attraction some call it....Karma is another word for it. And that is my religion. And I will stick to my religion no matter what....its hard work. But I’d rather work hard than to be hard. And if I try to control things and people and choose not to trust....my heart becomes hard and that’s not who I want to be. My heart is soft and so is my touch and that is how I want to approach the world. With soft love and happiness. So here I come. With open arms ready to love and recieve.

Tillagd 11 maj 2021   Noveller  

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