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Sexuality & identity

Gender identity

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FemaleFemale (trans woman)MaleMale (trans man)IntersexAgenderAndrogyneBigenderGender fluidGenderqueerIntergenderNeutroisPangenderTrans femaleTrans maleNon-binaryDemigirlDemiguy

Gender expression

Gender expression is how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. Read more

Attraction and general sexuality traits

Power relations identities

General role preference/identity

General identities related to sexual expressions

Leather culture identity

Leather culture is a sub culture associated with leather clothing and BDSM, connected to general queer subculture. Read more

Identities related to appearance

Role identity/preference

Preferred BDSM practices

BDSM is an umbrella term for often erotic expressions involving bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadomasochism, and related interpersonal dynamics. Read more

Preferences, garments

Preferences, materials

Preferences, other objects and phenomenon

Preferences, body parts

Preferences, body modifications

Preferences, bodily fluids

Bodily practices

Practices, see and be seen

Practices/preferences, other

Preferred social contexts