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DS is a social community for gender-, relational- and sexual minorities — Fetishists, sadomasochists and other queer and non-normative groups.


In order to run the web community (DS / Darkside) the company Bitera AB has been set up. In the text below these are used synonymously: Bitera AB, DS / Darkside.


  • You must be at least 18 years old to be a member.
  • Each member must be polite and nice towards all others. The community is for all sexualities carachterized by consent and risk awareness. Be respectful towards all these. The following is not allowed: Drugged sex, minors or animals in sexual situations, incest, depicting of severe bodily injures including excessive bleeding, real torture.
  • Respect what others are looking for. Ensure that noone is annoyed when you contact others. If you don't get a reply when mailing someone, just accept it -- not everyone is looking for others to exchange mails with.
  • Mind the administrators. Administrators appointed by the community or its networks have the right to set conduct rules and material restrictions in their areas according to what themselves find appropriate.
  • Do not publish any personal information. Pictures may not depict others that does not consent to the publication. Do not publish phone numbers and such on pages that are publically visible. Member names many not contain personal information, so do not use your phone number, your social security number and such as your member name.
  • Don't infringe on copyrights. Material you add may not be under copyright by someone else than yourself.
  • Pro-dominance, selling of panties, cam shows, prostitution is not allowed. It is not allowed to use the membership for creating traffic to pay services.
  • Don't spam. If you're looking for a partner, use the proper contact functions.
  • Cookies: Usage of this site require that the site places and uses cookies on your computer, in order to keep track of your login and enable the functions you choose to use and other site-administratory purposes. If you don't want to use cookies; do not visit this site, do not proceed, do not create any account and do not log in. You can clear your cookies via your browser settings.
  • Basic community rules: You are only allowed one membership per person, do not post racism / homophobia, do not counter-act the upholding of the site. You may not state false information about yourself. Respect that the things that people write on DS are probably meant for DS only. We reserve the right to deny access and membership to persons that many percieve have a non-constructive effect on our culture. Misuse of the site, attempted prostitution, non-pleasantness and such may result in withdrawn functionality, blocking or police report. This also includes VIP members.

If you discover something that is against the rules, please report it to the site administration so it can be dealt with as soon as possible.

Personal, private and collaborative spaces

DS provides all members with a personal sphere (A), private correspondance (B), and collaborative electronic message boards (C). For these, common principles apply:

Personal sphere (A) means the contents of diary entries, pictures and picture texts, comment fields etcetra that in full are displayed in the strict vicinity to a member profile. The following applies here:

  • Each member can publish material in their own personal sphere under responsability for that it follows current legislation, does not depict somebody that has not given consent to the publication, that it does not contain personal information that belongs to somebody else, and acts upon the possibility that potentially depicted persons may withdraw their consent to publication. Published material may not express distain for the target groups of this community, hatred, racism, homophobia or other non-suitable content.
  • Material can be reflected in and referred to from overviews, event feeds and similar functions that may not located outside an individual members personal sphere.
  • Each member is responsible for not publishing anything unsuitable. If you discover something unsuitable in another members personal sphere, please report it primarily via the dedicated abuse-link that may be located in the close vicinity to the material.
  • Feedbacks on material located here is the property of the member whose personal sphere it is, whereby he/she will be free to display, include in a report, moderate or delete the feedback without warning.

Private correspondence (B) means the exchange of DS-mail between two members. The following applies here:

  • Each member is responsible for what he/she sends and that it follows the site rules and current legislation, such that the integrity of a third part is not violated.
  • The mail contents a member sends is being copied to the recipients mail and the sent copy will be the property of the recipient.

Electronic message boards (C) means sections that are accessible by many, are dedicated to serving a common interest and where the entirety of the section is buily up by material that members have contributed with in common. Such are: Networks, discussions in networks, geographocal guides, collaborative encyclopedias etcetra. The following applies here:

  • Posts must be polite.
  • Personal data may not be posted.
  • Posted material may not express distain for the target groups of the community or contain hatred, racism or homophobia, may not break the site rules or current legislation or be inappropriate in other ways as definied by the moderator of the specific section. If you discover anything unsuitable here, report it primarily to the moderator of the specific area.
  • Posted entries, material and feedbacks will be the proprty of DS, may be shown for others in connection to the area in question and may without warning be displayed, moderated, reported or deleted by DS or its administrators, the owner of a network of an by him/her appointed administrator.
  • Comply with the moderators of each area. They have the right to set restrictions and decide your access rights in their respective areas as they themselves see fit.
  • Posted entries, material and feedback may be reflected in and referred to from overviews, event feeds and similar functions.

Material that is sent/published by a member may be the subject to abuse process, reporting or grading by other members. In an abuse process a copy of the reported material may be sent for review by one of DS appointed administrator. Reports and grades may be the ground for withdrawal of functionality, denying of access to site sections or any related measure, temporarily or permanent. Assessments may be undertaken manually or for some erend types automatically pending assessment by an administrator. Some functions may require a from this under long time proved positive site prescence in order to be fullt accessable.

Regarding personal information and integrity policy


A piece of personal information is a piece of information that may be used to identify a physical person, such as a phone number, a social security number of a picture of a person. DS holds your personal integrity high and aims to protect your personal information in the best way. This policy describes what personal information DS is processing, why DS is processing your personal data and how. The integrity policy also describes your rights against DS and how you may excercise them. Annually we make assessments of whether the purposes of the processing of personal data still seems reasonable; if not, data will be deleted.

The members at DS can create profile pages and other pages that includes pictures and/or other media from any third party sources. Exemples of these is how a user can display a picture on his/her profile page. When material are fetched from such third party sources, there is the possibility that your IP address is visible to the source together with other potential information that your web browser may send to the source when the material is fetched (see your web browser specification for more details on how the browser handles this). You can choose if you want to be able to see third party material such as pictures and other media on user-created web pages, or if you do not wish to enable this, via the option "External material" in your settings pages and/or during membership registration.

What types of information is registered?

In order to have a membership, it is required that you associate it with an email address (but you can switch email address at anytime). We also store the IP addresses that you use during the last 3 months, in order for you to be able to see that noone else has attempted to log on to your account and so that the site administrators can protect members of site misuse. We ask for your age in order to ensure that every member is at least 18 years old (you can of course adjust your age anytime so it's correct). The processing of these data is based upon a balancing of interests in order for DS to be able to detect potential misuses and in order to provide a save and ordered environment for the clientele. DS's claim is that it is required by security aspects. Neither IP addresses or your e-mail address is accessible for other members, unless you yourself actively chooses to display your e-mail address on your profile page. If you close your membership and thereby signals that you no longer wishes this information to be processed by DS, your email and age will be deleted from our systems.

Furthermore, you have the option to publish any kind of information you like about yourself in your personal sphere. In order to be able to use certain functionality on the site, you may be asked to provide more information about yourself, such as age, sex, residential region and such; When you add sex, orientation, countru, region, city, sexual/romantical/relational interests, specify what you are looking for, which clubs you visit, writes profile texts and add pictures, it is for you to archieve a more relevant site environment where you can get in contact with like-minded and create social connections better as you then can see (and the site may show you) how you match and the site can offer recommendations based upon mutual personal- and contact data. By being open you also contribute to a safe and proud atmosphere. If you add your birth date, other members may see when your birthday is and if you fill out your interview others will be able to better understand you as a person, which might be social advantages. By entering website address and information about your precence on other internet based communication services you will become more available to other members. The basis for the processing of these data is consent / free will; you may at anytime in your settings choose which data you wish to alter, keep, delete and you always have the possibility to recall all consent to personal data processing by anytime deleting your account entirely, whereas all these pieces of information will be removed.

How data is normally used and by whom

Personal data from members are only used within the scope for the operation of DS. That includes that data you chose to contribute is displayed in the web community and used for the functionality of the web community (for example you may participate in a function that allows you to be found from searches regarding sex, if you supply information about your sex). If DS needs to send you email when you have lost your password, have opted in for notification mails or any other reason where DS needs to communicate with you, your email address is used for this. E-mails may be sent out via countries outside EU/EES but DS has taken actions to protect your personal data by ensuring that the for this used service is connected to Privacy Shield or fulfills similar protection via standard contractual clauses. The information you volontarily supply and is shown in your personal sphere and in the electronic message boards you participate in may be seen by other site members, otherwise DS never provides information to any outsider. Your information is stored within the EU.


Some information is DS obliged to store by law, such as what is controlled by the book keeping law if you have made any purchase at DS where transaction data needs to be stored for at least 7 years. DS bases the storage of these data upon that we have a legal obligation to do so. If your membership is suspected of rule non-conformance or misuse of the site and the membership is ended, fingerprints from the account data may be stored for a limited period of time thereafter for the purpose to assure that the misuse is not resumed or continues under other accounts. DS's claim is that this is required by security aspects. Another exception from the above is in the event of a dispute, juridical process or report, or preparations for a such, where DS may save the information that is required for DS to be able to confirm or defend the claim by some party. The processing if then based upon a balance of interests, where the justified interest of DS is that it is neccesary to process these data in order to be able to confirm or defend the claims of some party. Authorities may request, or DS may be asked to make data extracts of member data according to current legislation. One of DS appointed representative may create extracts of a member's information as the basis for authority requests, suspicion of criminal activity or rule breach. The process is then based upon a balance of interests, where the justified interest of DS is that it is neccessary to process these data in order to maintain the site security, safety and order. The legal ground for providing authorities with data extracts is based upon our legal obligation to do so.

Your rights

You have some legal rights, below you see a summary of these. For a complete information about your rights, consult chapter 3-5 in the swedish Dataskyddsförordningen.

  • The right to data extract: You have the right to get an answer to whether DS processes information about you. If so is the case, you have the right to information about (among other things) what personal data is processed, the purposes of the processing, what external parties recieve the information and for how long DS will process your information. As a source of information for this, see the above. You can see a data overview, download data, alter/correct or delete data here.
  • The right to data portability. You have the right to request a copy of the personal information that you have provided DS in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You have also the right to request that DS shall transform these data to another party. This right is only applicable to the personal data that is processed with your consent. You can see a data overview, download data, alter/correct or delete data here.
  • The right to correct faulty information. You have the right to have fault or incomplete information about yourself corrected. You can see a data overview, download data, alter/correct or delete data here.
  • The right to removal of some data. You have the right to request that deletes your personal data under certain circumstances, such as if the data is no longer neccessary for the purpose that DS collected them for. You can see a data overview, download data, alter/correct or delete data here.
  • You have the right to during certain circumstances object to how DS processes your personal information.
  • The right to limitation of personal information processing. You have the right to request a limitation to how DS processes your personal data in certain cases. If you for example have objected to that your personal data is correct, you may ask to limit their processing during a time that allows DS the possibility to ensure that they are correct.
  • Complaint. If you have complaints regarding how DS processes your personal data, you have the right to submit such complaints to integrity protection authorities (see below).
Contact person for personal data processing erends

We have routines to ensure that your personal data is processed safe and secure in accordance with applicable law. Responsible for the personal data is Bitera AB. For personal data erends such as questions regarding the integrity policy, questions about how we use your information, regarding your rights or the excercise of these, mail to info@darkside.se, data protection ombudsman David Nilsson that administers DS. You can object to processing of personal data to him. You also have the right to submit complaints to supervision authorities if you, despite having been in contact with the data protection ombudsman, does not think that your personal data has been processed according to law. Note that this data protection ombudsman contact is only for erends about processing of personal information, nothing else.

Changes to the integrity policy

DS reservs the right to make changes to this integrity policy. If such changes are made, it will be announced in DS's channels and/or in other ways that DS finds suitable.