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Del 16: Honed

So smooth. So pretty. So good at the game.
Aw yes, darling. I will have you, but you don’t know it yet. Let you work for it.
And you do, with gusto. Can’t help liking you. How you swear in French, how bratty you look. Shitfaced, but still looking fresh as a new day. Smelling of something expensive, tasting like gin and tonic.
“Fuck me really hard.” You whisper in my ear, blushing. Or do I just imagine that? Your green eyes shine in the dark, you hold your breath, waiting.
“Please. I need you to fuck me really hard.”
You and me both, my boy.
We need it bad.

Tillagd 24 apr 2020   Noveller   #Kvinna #Kvinna som top #Egenupplevt

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