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Del 43: Falsely thou asketh me, Freya, to go

“Menace... how good it is to see you again.”
I sigh. Guess I have to get used to the new name.
“I missed you, too.” I embrace Eir, kiss her on the lips. Sky looks at us, desire in his blue eyes.
“Come in. I have news.” I follow her into the cave.
“Tell your boy to come inside.”
“Thank you, Maiden.” Sky follows us with Sola in his arms. Eir pets her fluffy ears, gives her a bone. Hands a cup of broth to Sky. I sit down on the fur by the fireplace, take off my helmet. Eir gasps. The cup falls out of Sky’s hand.
“What happened to your hair?”
I touch my head.
“Is it different?”
“Your hair is white.”
I look into the polished brass mirror. They are not kidding.
“Ah well. It suits the golden eyes.” Eir smiles.
“It was dark when we left Valhalla. I have no idea what happened. Anyway. What news do you have?”
“King Budle and Gunnar declared war against Atle’s tribe. They hold Atle responsible for Bryn’s death. Hreidmar took Atle in the night, otherwise they would have captured him. He is with his brother now, preparing for battle.”
“War, then.” I sigh.
“Freya called us all. You and Krimhild of Valhalla will ride with us.”
“Tomorrow at dawn. You better get some rest. Leave your boy here. He will be safe.”
I look at Sky. He tries to hide his tears.
“Don’t worry. I will be fine.”
“I know, Maiden.”
“Call me Mist.”
“I die a little every time you go away.”
Eir puts her hand on his shoulder, I see her glow turn up, radiate into him. He closes his eyes. His breathing is slow and even. Fast asleep.
“Thank you, Sister.” I bend down to kiss Eir.
She looks at Sky, tenderness in her gaze.
“That’s why I never claim any of them. It must be torture, living in fear every time we ride into battle.”
“I thought you just didn’t like dick.” I wink at her.
She laughs out loud.
“I used to fuck Woe, Odin’s brother. And Frey.”
My mouth drops open.
“Does Freya know?”
“She hooked us up.”
“You are down with both the dynasties then.”
She just smiles.
“Out of morbid curiosity, who was your favourite?”
I don’t really expect an answer.
“Both are amazing. But nobody has ever even come close to Freya.”


Del 1 (15 sep 2023)
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Del 43: Falsely thou asketh me, Freya, to go (16 apr 2020)
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