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Core City Run

Del 13: Start

Maker looks at me with disbelief.
"You really don't know who Enigma is? Where the hell have you been the past five years?"
I shrug.
"Un-fucking-believable." Maker shakes her head. "You've been offline or something?"
"I was, most of the time."
I turn away, trying to hide my tears. Unsuccessfully.
"Lelo." Maker's voice is soft. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."
I can't help whimpering as she touches my hair. She sounds nothing like her, but the words are the same, they cut me like a knife. Take me back to the pain I thought I buried. I feel my hands trembling. Have to sit down, before it gets worse. Have to slow down my breathing to avoid panic. I feel helpless as the memories well up, her face close to mine, her hands, the burning pain I cannot escape. Icy blue eyes filled with hatred, her belt, her smile, my screams for help. Being switched off, so I cannot move, cannot talk. I feel my mouth trying to shape words, my eyes are begging for mercy. To no avail. The sound escaping me is not quite human, I'm an instrument that's played, making a pleading noise. Tears are a visual effect. I see her smile, so pleased, joyful, serene. Fulfilled. Master of her art.
Fingers hitting my face, is it now or then? No difference. I am shaking, waiting. I never see it coming, my eyes cannot focus, the colour has drained out of my world. I am shrinkwrapped in pain, it never ends. Never ends. I welcome darkness.
The first to come back is hearing. Voices in the distance, coming closer. Then sight. Enigma and Maker. I open my eyes, squint, look up at them. I am laying down on the ground. Enigma's face is desperate, he must have been crying, the blue eyes are red-rimmed. I see Maker's hand on his shoulder, gently stroking him.
"Lelo?" His voice is breaking, his hand reaches for me, but stops short. It saddens me. I try to talk, tell him I'm all right, everything is all right, but I can't. Not quite yet. Try to lift my hand, but it's too heavy. I look at Maker, hoping she will flip a switch, make me all right. Her brown eyes are sad, I see tears in them for the first time. Enigma sees them too, he buries his face in Maker's hair. She keeps stroking his shoulder.
Pugsy enters my field of vision, he licks my face. I lift my hand, scratch his neck. Virginia sidles up to Maker, her tiny claws click on the marble floor. She whines, tugs at her dress. Tries to stick her little head between her and Enigma, jealous look on her face. Pugsy lifts his head, barks at her. I can't help smiling.
Deep breath, I can move again. Talk again.
"So sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
Enigma kneels down, takes me into his arms, holds me gently. I see Maker's hand, she keeps stroking his shoulder. Her other hand reaches out for Virginia. Pugsy growls. We definitely have a love triangle here.
"What happened?" Enigma looks at me, then at Maker.
Maker sighs.
"Lelo had a panic attack of sorts. A flashback, I think."
I nod.
"Trigger stimulus." Maker looks at me, her eyes are sad.
"You need to trust me, Lelo. Otherwise I can't help."
Tears well up in my eyes.
"I wish I could. But I can't. I don't know how to do it."
"I know." Maker looks at me. "Maybe, in time. I hope."
Enigma kisses her, looks at me.
"I've been like you, Lelo. Had to learn how to trust someone. And I did. You will, too. I know you will." His voice sounds so secure.
"How do you know?" I look away for a second, hiding the hopelessness in my eyes.
He smiles.
"Because you are so full of love."
"I loved humans I couldn't trust."
"We are not humans. You can start with us."
Pugsy guwaffs.
"I think we have a volunteer." Enigma scratches Pugsy. "Start with him."

Tillagd 18 jun 2019   Noveller   #Man #Kvinna #Annat kön #Kvinna som top #Annan som top #Kvinna som bottom #Man som bottom #Annan som bottom #Erotik #Bondage #Psykisk dominans #Fysisk dominans #Service #Perceptionsberövande

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