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Saturday 25 january — sunday 26 january, at 11:00 — 18:00
📍️Kinbaku Lounge, Trekronergade 149A, Copenhagen (Hovedstaden)
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Tickets will be released in presale for international participants + Lounge members on Sept 30 @ 17:00 CPH time. Evt. remaining tickets will be released for public sale Oct 1 @ 17:00 CPH time

For international pre-sale code please contact us via info@kinbakulounge.dk. Lounge members uses their member code.

For international pre-sale code please contact us via info@kinbakulounge.dk.

AIBUNAWA - Exploring Exposure, Shame & Eroticisation with Hashira + Dirty Kinbaku Night

In this two-day workshop we will take a deep dive into aibunawa, including exploration of themes and tools that you can use to explore your partner’s shame and arousal, and to build eroticisation in your rope scenes.

The first day of this workshop will involve partial suspension and potentially one fully suspended tie, and the second day will involve partial suspension on hashira, building knowledge of how tying your partner to a post can add even further to your erotic play.

We see rope as a thing that is done with loving perversion, and therefore whilst there may be torment, it is done from a position of loving, wanting our partners and building them up, not putting them down. Therefore shame to us comes from the embarrassment our partners may feel from being involved in a situation that you both enjoy rather more than they may feel comfortable admitting, and from them being a complicit part in the act and therefore just as much of a dirty pervert as the dirty pervert doing it to them.

When people describe aibunawa, they often translate it as caressing rope. In our minds, and in our style of aibunawa, we would amend this translation slightly to molesting rope, in combination with the shameful want of the tied person to be molested.

This workshop is for couples (of all ages and gender combinations), who have some experience in Japanese-inspired bondage, are comfortable with and wanting to do erotic play together, and who want to explore aibunawa together. The exercises during this workshop will provide the opportunity to become confident in using tools and techniques that elicit shame, aid the impact of exposure, and add to the erotic nature of your bondage.

On the Saturday evening there will be a Dirty Kinbaku Night, where students will be invited to either join us in tying a live session in front of an audience of erotic bondage enthusiasts, or to be part of that enthusiastic audience, enjoying a drink and good conversation alongside erotic entertainment.

Themes that will be explored:
• Inspiration and erotic history of kinbaku
• Seeing and being seen
• Taking inspiration from your partner
• Kotobazeme (Dirty Talk)
• Exposure, arousal and shame
• Eroticisation of bondage
• Impact of distance, silence and timing (Ma-ai)
• Suspension vs Partial Suspension vs Tying on Hashira
• Love, Seduction, Futility and Complicity
• Effect of shape and body movement
• Making the tying match the emotion, and being inspired by the gifts our partners give us
• Mental vs physical predicament

• Clothing that can be opened or that you can be exposed in for the model
• At least 12 jute ropes (5-6mm, 7-8m long)

Intermediate/Advanced - higher levels of tying skill will allow more focus on intensifying the impact of the bondage.

The rigger must know how to tie a safe, stable and loadable gote, which the tied partner must be confident with. The couple must be comfortable with kinbaku being explored in an erotic manner.

The weekend will be emotionally intense for both rigger and model, and is also likely to be physically intense especially for the model.

Saturday 11:00-18:00 + Dirty Kinbaku Night
Sunday 11:00-18:00

DKK 3500 / € 470 per couple


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