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Tying with the elements - Air
Thursday 16 may 2024, at 18:00 — 21:00
📍️Bagarmossen (Stockholms län)
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* Welcome to FOUR MAGICAL EVENINGS offering a workshop followed by an open play and practice space with teacher support.

will both focus on technique as well as using the ropes as your tool for connection.
Each workshop will draw inspiration from one of the elements; earth, water, fire and air. The elements are a fantastic symbolical playground for different atmospheres, ways of interraction and experiences of synergy.

will start with a guided opening where we share our longings for the evening. The space will be open for free practice and play, where I will encourage both duo and groupe experiences full of diversity. You will both have the freedom to explore what you are in the mood for as well as get support in your technical and creative tying.
You are invited to both practice, play and witness the beauty of connection.

Skills from different artforms come together in the teachings; dance, massage, tantra, kink, meditation, and communication. With these perspectives a space is created to deep dive into being, for meetings to bloom with curiosity, playfulness and depth.


THE WORKSHOPS WELCOME both total beginners and advanced rope practitioners.

WE WILL NOT STUDY the basics of technique, but beginners are welcome to join to have a taste of rope, to know if you want to dive deeper into studying Sensual Shibari.

TO BE IN AN OPEN PLAY SPACE involves taking care of your own interractions and boundaries, so I advice you to feel into if that is something you are comfortable with.

YOU CAN SIGN UP alone, together with a friend or partner.
During the workshop we will practice together and change partners, so this class is for you who have an open mind to meet with different people.

IF YOU WANT TO STAY WITH A PARTNER that is also welcome, but I would prefer that you are also open to other interractions, for example to join exersises inclusing 3 people.
Make sure you fill in one form each.



18 april - Earth - Stability, Deep tissue, Holding, Heavy, Nourishment, Cyclic, Muscles
25 april - Water - Fluidity, Emotion, Adaptability, Intuition, Healing, Sensitivity, Connection
9 May - Fire - Passion, Energy, Transformation, Courage, Power, Will, Raw, Illumination
16 May - Air - Freedom, Breath, Movement, Inspiration, Expansion, Wisdom, Creativity

18.00 Doors open
18.15 Workshop starts
19.00 Play and practice
21.00 Closing

Stockholm, Bagarmossen

390 kr / class
1250 kr for all 4 classes
Bring a friend and pay 290 / person


Molly Maria is a teacher, bodyworker and artist exploring sexuality, emotional health and growth through classes, studies and private sessions.
Her way of tying is inspired by dance, contact improvisation, massage, meditation, bdsm and tantra. There is a focus on presence, sensuality and the deep contact between people, where the rope becomes a tool and a framework to experience one self and others.
Read more:


Hope to meet you soon!
If you have any questions contact me at m@sensualshibari.com
Love Molly

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