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(Fullbooked) 🎬🍿 Movienight and hangout with Queer As Fuck🍿🎬
Thursday 11 april, at 18:00 — 21:00
📍️Göteborg (Västra Götalands län)
⚠️Other criteria (see below).
♿️Ej tillgänglig lokal för tex rullstol pga trappor och smala passager
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We are creating another cosy movienight together ✨️

🌺 We’re gonna watch a queer movie (not a porno this time) together. Social event, non-sexual. (Of course cuddling is fine!) 🌺

We offer vegan snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. It is of course fine to bring something of your own, as long as it is also vegan and alcohol/drug free! 🍿🥂

Date and time: Thursday 11/4 kl. 18.00-21.00
Price: 50-70 kr (if you have the opportunity you can pay more to support us 💋)

Note, limited number of spots!


‼️Please observe that each person has to make their own registration 💕

⚧ ⚧ ⚧ ⚧ ⚧
Note! Keep in mind that all Queer As Fuck's events are for queers only!
Read our policy on our home page if you're unsure if you're welcome or not! www.queerasfuck.se
⚧ ⚧ ⚧ ⚧ ⚧

(Log in to see member info)   www.queerasfuck.se   queerxxx@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


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16 interested
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