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Massage träffa

⏰️Tisdag 15 augusti 2023, klockan 19:30 — 22:00
📍️Brommaplan, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
Du måste logga in för att kunna anmäla intresse.
It's a last minute invite for anyone who would like to meet and massage each other.
we learn how touch can be used to boost relaxing/healing your body.

We create a safe space where we share techniques around creating trust, while also enjoying some wonderful massage.

The workshop is strictly non-sexual. You will learn massage techniques, as well as ways to improve your communication. You are welcome to bring a friend, or come alone and pair with someone there.

Bring comfy clothes, a towel, and a snack to share during the fika break.

⏰ Starting at 19:00 sharp ⏰

Warm welcome, and look forward to seeing you there! 💆

We will send the address and instructions to interested people before the event. It's 2 mins walk from Brommaplan Tunnelbana

Evenemangets tag: #massage – Bilder  Dagböcker  Alster 

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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare

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