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Ungdomsfika av UiS (Café Källarbyn)

Wednesday 21 june 2023, at 16:00 — 20:00
📍️Café Källarbyn, Stora Nygatan 31, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
♿️Källarbyn utan ramp utan trappor utan hiss. Park är mest filt och på gräs ute, finns grusväg men en bit att ta sig fram
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Come one, come all!

Note: tomorrow we will have this event at Café Källarbyn 🙂

Are you 30 years or younger and looking for a discrete way into the bdsm-world? Well, you’ve come to the right place.
At this meet you are able to meet bdsm-oriented people without having to pay entry fees or certain clothing. We discuss about most everything, not only bdsm, so its a good place to find people with similar interests overall.
Since we are at a regular café/pub please keep the most sensational clothes at home, and there is no bdsm-play what so ever at the meets - there are better suited opportunities for that!

Keep also in mind that we aren’t as much of a homogenous group as one could think. People have different backgrounds and everyone isn't interested in or willing to for example hug whoever or touch whoever. Strangers are strangers - get to know eachother in an appropriate pace!
For that reason it is also a good thing to consider how things are discussed and what jokes are made about so that no one has to get upset. Everyone should be able to enjoy the meet! (It ofcouse includes YOU aswell! Let the host(s) know if anything at all doesn’t feel right! :) )

This is also not a place for hitting on anyone or trying to find a hookup - please always consider this for everyones’ comfort.

Everyone is welcome to sit and only listen if they want, or have long and thorough conversations over a cup of tea, coffee or whatever else would be nice to have for munchies.

Any eventual questions or concerns are more than welcome to be brought to Pactec or TheWinter here on the site, or alternatively in the comments below. A host can meet you outside the cafe or the metro station if it would make it any sort of relief before walking in together.
(Moreover, there will be more hosts needed for further munches, so if you have any interest in becoming one, don’t hesitate to contact us for that matter in the slightest 👍)
We also have a network here on the site called “Unga I Stockholm” ( www.darkside.se/club.php?id=894) that you are welcome to join


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