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Tech dump series with Addie - Shapes, shapes, shapes! (LGBTQIA+ & friends)
Wednesday 15 march 2023 — wednesday 29 march 2023, at 19:00 — 22:00
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The “Shapes, Shapes, Shapes!” tech dumps will each focus on a particular tie/pose/suspension, with different options based on each participant’s level of experience. For those newer to suspension, each can be performed as a partial or full static suspension, coming back out of the suspension by reversing the steps taken to get there. For those with more experience, there will be options for additions or transitions, before coming out either by reversing steps or continuing through to a different endpoint. The focus here is on sustainability, balance, and adaptation to suit and support the person in rope.

Each piece of the tie must be well placed so that no one point is taking an undue amount of strain, and the person tying must choose when to start moving out of the tie such that the person in ropes is in long enough, but not too long. This creates sustainable suspensions and lets the tied person trust the tie and focus on the experience. We will look at balance points, planning ahead, and gauging when to come out so as to maximize the effectiveness of the tie. We will also discuss workarounds for more common body quirks, self-checks, and body knowledge for the people being tied.

The details and mechanics of technical suspension are Addie’s specialty and passion. Over the past 6 years, she has amassed a wide, varied repertoire of suspension experience, with a heavy emphasis on tying different people with different preferences and adapting ties to people rather than the other way around. Pre-pandemic, she taught TheSpace’s Techie Tuesdays, a weekly series that focused on how and why ties work the way they do, helping participants to build a working, functional knowledge of tying for suspension.

Tech Dump Part I: Running Person (March 15th, 7-10 pm CET)

Looks easy enough but nope. Finding a really good balance for this tie and making it sustainable is our goal. Also: fun variations.

Tech Dump Part II: Gyaku Ebi (March 22, 7-10 pm CET)

Gyaku Ebi’s are risky as they have a high nerve impingement risk. This class will teach some safe(r) versions and variations like futomomos. We will also look at a face-down suspension over a crotch line, which can work like a gyaku ebi.

Tech Dump Part III: Upside-down suspensions (March 29th, 7-10 pm CET)

Somehow upside-down suspensions are really popular and often they don’t go as planned. Time to lab und understand in depth what is really going on.

Event Details & Ticket: https://karada-house.de/events/tech-dump-intermediate/

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