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Copenhagen Queer Festival

Måndag 14 juli 2014 — söndag 20 juli 2014, klockan 11:00 — 22:30
📍Kapelvej 44, Nørrebro (Hovedstaden)
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Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1422189968061154/

It is happening! We welcome you to Copenhagen Queer Festival 2014. We here present an introduction to the festival concept and program. Please read it, if you plan to attend the festival. Enjoy and see you!

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* Questioning norms within society, including our own communities. Not just another identity, but a way of thinking (and performing) that constantly questions norms, power and hierarchies.

* Reflecting on power structures and privileges. Privileges are everywhere. Mind yours! To be able to break norms is also a privilege. Consider how much space you take and how you give space to others.

* Fighting oppressing structures and mechanisms in society related to gender, sexuality, race, class, ability, relationship and the dynamics between them. We want to challenge the established capitalist cis-heteronormative society and its sexism, racism, ableism, trans*phobia, biphobia, homophobia and other oppressive norms, and create a space for building new dreams, relations and alliances.

This year Copenhagen Queer Festival seeks to link the different communities and groups within the queer inspired environment. Politics, art, academia and social relations will come together in a week of workshops, discussions, performances, actions and parties. The festival aims to create a diverse space and tie the existing queer inspired initiatives and groups in Copenhagen together and establish international bonds.

By day we will have workshops and discussions in the queer festival space at Kapelvej 44. By evening/night we will have performances, events and parties that will mostly take place in other venues hosted by other existing queer inspired groups in Copenhagen.

See the evening program below.

See the workshop program here (1st edition): http://www.queerfestival.org/pdf/english/CPH%20QUEER%20FESTIVAL%202014%20PROGRAM.%201ST%20EDITION.pdf

Everyone can submit a workshop/discussion/performance that they want to make. See how to do this below. The festival program depends on the contributions from the participants, so we strongly encourage all kinds of inputs.

Every day at lunch and dinner we will have a short information meeting. At the meeting we will present the schedule of the day and practical information.

By collaborating with existing queer inspired groups, making it possible to contribute online before the festival and being open to new solutions, we hope to have made a structure that feels safe and still encourages people to get involved in our space. We strongly encourage DIY initiatives throughout the festival.

Most evenings events will be held elsewhere in the city hosted by one of the existing queer minded groups in Copenhagen. At the festival venue in Kapelvej 44 there will be a chill out lounge until 23.00 for those who prefer this.

* TUESDAY 15th:
Queer Movie Night - organized by MIX Copenhagen LGBT Film Festival.

Dance-party of Feminist History. In Kvindehuset - organized by G37. https://www.facebook.com/events/605041662946190/?fref=ts

Queer Punk show. In Bumzen - organized by Queerious Bar Copenhagen

* THURSDAY 17th:
Performance night. In Warehouse 9 - organized by Warehouse 9

* FRIDAY 18th:
Sex Party - organized by the Copenhagen Queer Festival.

+ Queer Rave somewhere in the city

* SATURDAY 19th:
Party - Queer Feminists going Global. In Bolsjefabrikken - organized by KaPow Collective

* Sunday 20th:
T*-café. In Warehouse 9, organized by the T-lounge Society

More information about the specific events will follow as we get closer. New events will possibly be added

No space can be 100 % safe. We still seek to create a safer queer-feminist space free from oppression and discrimination. By communicating as honest and clear as possible, we want everybody to be able to make safer separatist spaces within our space if needed. Respect each other's boundaries and needs to create new and possibly separatist spaces.

If you have any issues regarding the festival and it's structure we encourage you to talk about it in your affinity group, safety group etc. and/or talk with the organizers of the festival. We strive after making this a good and safe festival for as many as possible.

At the festival venue in Kapelvej 44 smoking and alcohol is allowed outside in the courtyard - not inside. There is no bar at the festival venue. Drugs

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://www.queerfestival.org/   cphqueer@gmail.com   vCalendar export


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