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Core City Run

Del 33: Reminiscence

We kiss all the way home in the car. Up the stairs. Still, Maker stops me when I try to go down on her.
"Little girl. I would love to talk to you. About why you are running. Why you are scared."
I look away, hoping she won't notice the pain on my face. Fat chance. She moves closer, puts her arms around me. Kisses my face.
"Tell me about her."
"Who?" I feign ignorance.
Maker hugs me tighter.
"Your keeper. Your first. The one who made you built. Fucked you up. Broke you. Made you run forever."
"I'm not sure what to tell you." My breathing is ragged.
Maker strokes my hair.
"She called you a fuckdoll."
My tears start rolling, and she dries my face. Kisses me. Her brown eyes shine in the darkness.
"Why did she call you that?"
"She hated me. Wanted me to be perfect. And I wasn't. Not for the lack of trying."
"But you still loved her."
I nod. Dry my face.
"I loved her." My voice breaks, I can't stop crying. Can't stop the cascade. I see her face, feel the hurt. Her hands on me. Pain.
"You still love her."
"No, I ... I escaped. I run away. Left her behind. Hid. She is dead. Been dead a long time."
Maker takes my face in her hands.
"It's OK, Lelo. You can love her. Regardless. It's OK to love her." She kisses my brow, hugs me tighter. "You can stop hating yourself for loving her."
"I don't hate myself, Maker."
She sighs.
"Little girl. You need to realize this. It's not me you are running from. It's you. Because you are scared of how much you can love. What you would allow. You are not scared of me hurting you. You are scared of yourself. That you will let it happen."
I just look at her.
"You think it was your fault. That she would have loved you if you were better. She would not have to hurt you. You made her do it. But we both know it's not true." Maker kisses my hair, ever so softly. Still, I can't help but twitch. She starts to stroke my hair.
"You were exactly what she wanted. Custom made. Perfect. But not for the kind of love you expected. She loved to hurt you. It's what she loved. She could never be different. But I am not her."
"I know."
"But you don't feel it." Maker sighs. "Truth is, I was stupid. Asking you to trust me. I should have asked you to trust yourself."
She kisses me, her mouth is warm. I feel her smiling in the darkness.
"Did you ever think about why you love Enigma?"
"I don't love him."
"Sure you do, little girl. I'd have to be a twin core not to see it."
We laugh, and I feel my face get flushed. Maker kisses me again.
"You trust yourself when you are with him. And I love to see that. And I hope you will trust yourself with me. I'm just not sure how it is to happen. What I need to do."
"We will figure it out, Maker. I hope."
Her eyes shine in the dark while I kiss her.
"I hope too, little girl. Because I can't help loving you."

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