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Core City Run

Del 23: Push

"I missed you." Enigma's kiss is hot. Longing.
I smile at him, tousle his hair. He takes my hand, kissing my fingers one by one.
"Were you looking for Maker?"
I shake my head. He kisses my palm. Takes my other hand, places it on his throat. I push my thumb into the pit between his collarbones. He sighs.
"I missed this. Missed you." His voice is hoarse, overloaded with desire.
"Do you want me to be rough?"
"Yes. Please."
And we're off. Enigma is a delight, his hunger is palpable. Just like mine. His gaze rests in mine, and we merge. I let his body ask the question, let mine give the answer. The bliss on his face feeds my want. Justifies it. Amps it up. He screams with joy when my fingers enter him, so very gently. I am toying with him, building the hunger, making it nearly unbearable. The raw beauty of his need of me floors me. We move outside time, heads empty, hearts overfilled.

"Lelo. I really missed you." His voice is silent as he rests in my arms. I keep kissing his face, he turns around. Stretches out. Now he is the big spoon. I rest my head on his chest. He bends over my shoulder, starts licking my neck with the tip of his tongue. Tracing a vein, maybe.
"Will you stay for the night?"
"If you want."
I sense him smiling. Then growing a bit hesitant. Pondering if he can ask the question. I turn to face him.
" What is it, Enigma?"
"I think Maker is missing you as well."
My mouth skims his eyebrows.
"Did she tell you?"
"Oh God, no." He laughs out loud. Looks into the distance, his eyes clouded with tears.
"I love her. But I'm just a toy. She wouldn't tell me."
"She cherishes you. Told me herself."
I see his eyes darken.
"She stopped fucking me when you moved out."

Tillagd 2 aug 2019   Noveller   #Man #Kvinna #Annat kön #Kvinna som top #Annan som top #Kvinna som bottom #Man som bottom #Annan som bottom #Erotik #Bondage #Psykisk dominans #Fysisk dominans #Service #Perceptionsberövande

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