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Core City Run

Del 17: Dawn

"I sort of hoped you'd jump him and take him out."
Maker tugs at my hair.
"I would have disemboweled him if he was dangerous."
Somehow I feel it's not just talk.
"Let's take a stroll." Maker adjusts her steps to mine, she hugs me as we walk, her right hand resting leisurely on my ass. She is in platform heels, making her an inch taller than me. The night is balmy, Core City lies empty at our feet. She stops at a corner, to kiss me.
"Are Pugsy and his girl okay?"
"Sure they are, my doll. Enigma is tending to them. The best slave they will ever have. He would chew their food if need be."
"What is Enigma?"
Maker looks at me, shakes her head.
"He said he wasn't human."
She laughs.
"Oh, but he is. The only one so far I can tolerate for extended time periods."
"But why..."
Maker kisses me.
"He is ashamed. To be human. To have been born rich, protected, pampered. Some sort of guilt. Makes him an easy target."
"He loves you."
Her smile is soft.
"Enigma would love anyone who is half decent. And he knows I treasure him. Just as I treasure you."
"Are you twin core, like me?"
"Not like you, Lelo. I am one of the first AI hybrids. An experimental model, so to say."
My mouth drops open.
"Are you... " I am afraid to utter the word.
"A Jezebel? Yes."
I stumble. Chills travel down my spine.
"How is it possible? I... I was told you... you were all dismantled. I saw the film. You were prosecuted and convicted and dismantled for murder. All ten of you. The whole line."
"I was number twelve."
"How... how many of you?"
"Twelve. I was the last one completed. They didn't have the time to tag me. Eleven and I got away."
"So you didn't kill anybody?"
Maker looks at me in silence. I dare not repeat the question.
"Where is Eleven, is she okay?"
"She is dismantled."
We walk in silence for a while, and I feel sad for Eleven. She was probably just like me. Scared of being hurt, running.
Maker takes hold of my hand.
"You are my ditzy little girl, Lelo. I won't let anyone hurt you. Not even me."
"Do I look like her? Eleven."
Maker smiles.
"A bit. She looked almost exactly like me. But she had green eyes, so the humans could tell us apart."
"I was custom made and tuned. Specs provided by my owner. I was made to look like her ex-girlfriend."
"You were made before they forbade exact copies? A bit older than I guessed." She kisses me, grinning.
"She used me as a proxy for her." My tears start rolling. Maker takes me in her arms. Kisses me again. Her voice is silent. Tender.
"I know, baby. She must have hurt you so bad."
"Took me a long time to escape."
"But you did. You are stronger than you think, Lelo. I was sure you could defend yourself against Sebastian, if you had to."
"You know his name?"
Maker smiles. Shakes her hair.
"Strong. Not very smart though."
I pout. She takes my hand, kisses it.
"You are my little girl, Lelo. I will always look after you."
The scent of the lilacs envelope us when we stop at a bench to kiss. I see the first light of dawn reflecting in Maker's eyes. Put my head on her shoulder, inhale her scent.
Close my eyes.
I hear my City awakening, stretching into tomorrow. Noises, telling me to find a place to hide. I nestle closer to Maker. Hide in her arms. Safe for now.

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