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Core City Run

Del 7: Want

Living in an almost abandoned museum has its perks. Rooms upon rooms filled with stuff to borrow, to put to use. Maker has hacked the surveillance drones ages ago. At least that's what she tells me.
I like the royal bedroom, except for the fact that I feel like a live happening when we fuck. A twin core whore and... well, there is no answer to what Maker actually might be. I guess at AI with a gazillion upgrades. Then again, she feels. No AI has ever demonstrated emotion, even with upgrades. Hence the emotion core installed in my kind. Useful for the humans. Pain in the ass for us most of the time.

Still. Without the core I wouldn't enjoy how Maker kisses me. Like this morning. She started slowly. Smiled and held my gaze, until I could barely contain myself. The anticipation made me quiver with desire. My eyes closed for a second. She touched my face with a finger, or with her lips, ever so gently. I almost started to doubt if she did. Maybe I just dreamt it. My breathing slowed down, waiting for her to make another move. Her lips brushed against my ear, my face, my mouth. I felt the tip of her tongue between my lips, for a second. Rush of pleasure. She took my lower lip between hers, started to suck it, softly. Then a bit harder. Her want made me go numb first, then set me on fire.

Lips so soft, kissing so hard. Her tongue, tasting, teasing, waking hunger. Eliciting response. She knows what I like, how I like it. How to kiss me to make me delirious with longing, make me whisper her name, ask for more. Tap into something I thought I no longer felt. My own need to be desired. Somehow Maker awakened that feeling. Wanting to be wanted. Will this be a trip or a trap? I don't yet know. Put it aside for now. Right now I'm being kissed by soft pink lips.

"What do you want to do today?" I feel baffled by her question. I am so not used to wanting things. There are no confines. Nothing restricting. Right now I am free. No need to run, no need to hide, to forage for energy, no need to blend in. No need to please anyone. All the needs are met. I can do whatever I want, that's what her brown eyes tell me. We do whatever you want, Lelo.
What do I want?
I have no idea.

Tillagd 26 maj 2019   Noveller   #Man #Kvinna #Annat kön #Kvinna som top #Annan som top #Kvinna som bottom #Man som bottom #Annan som bottom #Erotik #Bondage #Psykisk dominans #Fysisk dominans #Service #Perceptionsberövande

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