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Core City Run

Del 4: Job

"Stop that immediately."
Maker sounds annoyed, as Pug 1 tugs and strains to wiggle free of her grip.
"He is just scared. Come here sweetie. Can we call him Pugsy Malone?"
I'm holding Pugsy's little head still so Maker can fry the tracker chip. He looks at me, tongue lolling, wide grin on his little smooshy face.

"Take the other one. Hold it."
I look at Pug 2. Same fawn colour as Pugsy, but definitely younger.
"What will we call this sweet little one, then?" I make kissy sounds.
"Son of a bitch?" Maker's look is deadpan.
"Can't do that. It's a girl."
"Bitch then. Concise. I like it. It's a given."
"I thought Virginia would suit her better."
Maker looks at me as if I was malfunctioning. Waiting for some explanation.
"Malone's girlfriend was called Virginia."
"Oh yes." She shakes her head.
"They were ruthless."
"If you worked this hard on selling your ass instead of the pugs' names you wouldn't need my services. By the way, how will you pay for the upgrades?"
"Ehm, that. When I contacted you, you said you were a programmer. I took you for a geek."
"You planned to pay in nature. Well, think again."
I look around.
"Doesn't look like you need anything." Heaps of stuff and gadgets everywhere.
"I'm not gonna give away shit. I have a reputation, you know. At least I had one before you turned me into a dog thief."
"I bet you steal loads."
"Yes, but not dogs."

An idea crosses my mind.
"You could say I stole the dogs. I held the leash anyway."
"All right. That could work."
"And then I could give you them as payment?"
Maker looks at me for a full second. Then starts laughing so hard she has to sit down. Definitely not AI. Not full AI, at least.
She wipes her eyes.
"How about you work for me to pay for the upgrades?"
"Are you serious?"
"Too serious. I can use you as comic relief."
"Can we keep Pugsy and Virginia?"
Maker grins.
"Why do you think I zapped the trackers? I could have just tossed those dogs in the canal with less hustle."
"Thank you."
"Oh, don't thank me yet. I cloned the trackers. Now you gonna go all around town before you drop the clone trackers in the water. Your first assignment."
"Thank you." I kiss her. She kisses me back, tongue deep in my mouth. Testing my new energy collector? Enjoying it? Definitely enjoying it. At least that's how it reads.
"Remember to walk slow."
"I'm not stupid."
Maker looks at me. Grins.
I just take the trackers, walk up the stairs, out into the sunshine.

Tillagd 22 maj 2019   Noveller   #Man #Kvinna #Annat kön #Kvinna som top #Annan som top #Kvinna som bottom #Man som bottom #Annan som bottom #Erotik #Bondage #Psykisk dominans #Fysisk dominans #Service #Perceptionsberövande

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