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Creative Ropes

⏰️Fredag 30 augusti 2019 — söndag 1 september 2019
📍️Tampere (Östra Finlands län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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Welcome to a three-day retreat where you can learn how to tie and get tied in an intuitive, present, and creative manner, independently of your previous experience. We will work with strategies for improvisation, breakdown the ideas of beauty, and see how it shapes relationships in a tie. And in the meanwhile hang out with magical people in beautiful nature.

Our tools to approach creativity will be breaking patterns and limiting choices. By breaking a pattern you can reassemble the pieces into something new, and by limiting your choice you can shape that new thing into something coherent. Connecting this practice to presence with your partner, instead of a fixed idea about how something should be, will result in every session being a truly unique reflection of you.

One fundamental idea of this retreat is to stay away for traditional ways of Japanese rope bondage, and the pornographic aspects of it (which I love, but they limit) However there is one Japanese concept of beauty (and life, in general) that we will dig deeply into, and that is Wabi-sabi. Overly simplified, it is valuing of the imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete on all levels, from the knots to full emotional experience. This idea has its roots in Daoism, Taoism, and Buddhism, so in many ways, this retreat can be seen as meditation with rope. A meditation to practice your own intuitive way of tying and being tied.

Finally, we will spend some time on how creativity connects back into BDSM, and how it can be used with playing with pain and pleasure, restriction and freedom, and dominance and surrender. But this is not the main focus of the retreat.

In general, the retreat is a sex-positive space, that is a space where sexuality is welcomed in all its forms but nowhere demanded. You can join this retreat alone or together with a partner, however, you will be encouraged to both tie with and be tied by different people. Because variety broadens your experience.

The material of this retreat comes for a three-year-long art project called RAW:MOTION. It was a research in what truly makes bondage beautiful in photography, poetry and performances. The short answer, as the name implies, was raw emotions. You can read more about it here: https://andyburu.se/project-rawmotions/

Now you might be wondering, what will we do concretely and it’s hard to explain without missing the forest because of the trees. But here is an attempt:

- Connecting with intuition, subconsciousness, and playfulness.
- A handful of reusable building blocks for tying.
- Body anatomy for improvisation.
- Adding a third material, after rope and body.
- Integrating fabrics and clothing in ties.
- Looking for balance and harmony in asymmetry.
- Body and breath manipulation.
- Following the rope, rather than the mind.
- Pausing and witnessing.
- Self-evaluation of improvisations.
- Discovering underlying themes in a tie.
- Working with contrast, hard/easy, slow/fast, and more.
- Breaking the bubble of two people, and being inspired by others.
- Working with courage and healthy borders.
- Finding inspiration in emotional reactions.
- Exploring how moving your attention, moves the tie.
And more…

To participate in tying, you must have knowledge of a single column tie, how to create rope friction, and basic safety. This is equivalent to what is normally being taught at a two-hour introduction workshop, which we can organize at Pesä before the retreat if needed. To participate in being tied, you must have some experience of how your body and mind reacts when being tied. It is welcomed in this retreat to switch roles, between and during exercises.

The venue is a beautiful place 35 km from Tampere. There is a sauna and a long beach on the lakeside. There are rooms for 3-5 people and the possibility to come with your own camper van or tent.

Early bird price is 220€ until 21.7.! The contribution is the same if you sleep in your own van or tent. Otherwise it is 270€. This includes all meals of delicious vegeterian food.

To sign up for this awesome 3 day retreat please send e-mail to info.somatantra@gmail.com and include your billing information, special needs ie. diets, allergies or need for translation or intro workshop and if there is something that would be important for the facilitator to know about you or your psychiatric or trauma background.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://andyburu.se/2019/06/19/workshop-creative-rope-retreat/   info.somatantra@gmail.com   vCalendar export  


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare
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