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Stockholm Kinbaku Studios presents: Self suspension workshop with SaaraRei

⏰️Lördag 9 mars 2019, klockan 10:00 — 15:00
📍️Årstaberg (Stockholms län)
⚠️Föranmälan krävs.
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a creative outlet,

self-suspension can be all of these ways of giving yourself what you need and more.
But where to start?

This is an introductory workshop to self-suspension. In other words, for those who have never self-suspended before or who have just begun to practice self-suspension.

There are as many ways to do self-suspension as there are people in this world. From my perspective, Self-suspension is about giving yourself the rope experience you want to have… and with that philosophy, it can be quite challenging to teach a self-suspension workshop, as who am I to tell you how to be your own best rigger! What I can and will share in this workshop will be a starter-kit of tools and experiences that I have found useful when doing self-suspension, coupled with safety practices.

Specifically, in this workshop we will:

- Review and practice suspension line techniques, safety, and philosophy.
- Learn stable structures for transition self-suspensions
- Learn Sequences for static self-suspensions
- Repeat the mantra, “I will not practice self-suspension alone”.
- Have “figure out how to be your favourite rigger” lab-time.

And, remember, this workshop is for you! So I will also welcome requests from the group in advance or during the workshop, so that we can make sure we cover what you need to give yourself a good time.

To participate in this workshop, it is ideal that you have experience and fluency with suspension lines, and have suspended (another person) before. If you really want to participate in this workshop and do not have experience or fluency with suspension lines and/or suspensions, then please message me ASAP so that we can assess the situation and see if the workshop can be a fit for you.

The workshop is four hours, divided in two parts with a proper break in the middle suitable for food and/or for a walk and some fresh air.

Fee 500 kr to be payed in advance

Applications to be sent to info@kinbakustudios.com

Questions on content and questions about if your experience is enough - please contact Saara Rei in person

For more information on me, Saara Rei, please visit saararei.com

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