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⏰️Fredag 1 mars 2019, klockan 20:00 — 23:30
📍️Copenhagen (Hovedstaden)
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Yukimura Haruki (1948–2016) never lets you forget that kinbaku is all about Eros. With his emphasis on the emotional exchange and the attentive listening to involuntary movements emerging in the interaction, Yukimura seduces not only his partner, but also the audience.

Beginning to tie for videos in the late 1980s, Yukimura spent decades working in this field, using what may appear as simple ties to create surprisingly original and beautiful scenes with his partners. Exploring the erotic imaginary, letting the energies of the situation build, allowing it to develop through the changing positions of the body, Yukimura is a master of movement.

In Yukimura's photographic work, the tying is sometimes more elaborate, sometimes exhibiting the effectiveness of a rope that knows how to capture a body – be it in a Damsel-in-distress situation, or a hojojutsu-style of tie – always with an implicit dramatic story.

Yukimura took great care to transmit some of his insights through his own way of teaching, a pioneer when it comes to questions about how to transmit skills that has to do with tying the "heart" of your partner.

This will be an evening of reflection and learning, but also of pleasure. Bergborg is packing his bag with rare books and old magazines, translated texts, movie-clips, and excerpts from original interviews. Bring an open mind, a pen and a notebook. And, of course, bring your ropes...

** About Bergborg **
Bergborg's approach to rope is coloured by his background in contact-improvisation as well as his work as an academic researcher in the humanities. On his blog Kinbaku Books, he shares parts of his collection of historical Kinbaku-material with the larger rope-community, including a number of translated texts. In addition to teaching long term study-groups and shorter workshops at his own studio in Stockholm, in the last few years Bergborg has also organized a series of historically oriented evenings called the "Kinbaku Salon".

More info here:




(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://kinbakulounge.dk/en/kalender-2019/   info@kinbakulounge.dk   vCalendar export


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Innehåll dolt för icke inloggade användare