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Wotever Stockholm: Liberation

⏰️Fredag 1 augusti 2014, klockan 20:00 — 01:00
📍️Bondegatan 1c, Stockholm (Stockholms län)
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Wotever Stockholm: Liberation!
Pride Party
Friday 1 August
20 - 01
Bonden Bar, Bondegatan 1c
T - Medborgplatsen


It’s Pride! Time for organzing, talking, dancing, kissing and marching in the streets!

Wotever invites you to a completely FREE queer Pride party focused on Liberation.

We urge you to liberate your body in all your favourite outfits, higheels, boots and make-up.

Liberate yourself on our buzzing and sweaty dancefloor - stroke an undercut hairdo or get your fingers caught in the swirly curls of a wig. Liberate your moves, grooves and desires.

Liberate your mind in the company of our wonderful perfomers and DJs: the unforgettable Mr.Pube, the sassy Kickilicious and the diverse DJ Kim who entertain and please your to the best of their ability all night long.

Wotever offers a safe, free and queer space were the struggle for queer liberation and queer lives and be honored, respected and supported.

Liberation starts with you!

ACCESSABILITY: Bonden Bar is a basement venue with a long staircase that does not have a bannister.

The venue does not have accessible bathrooms

We're sorry for this terrible lack of access. If you need assistance to acess the space ask us an we will help you to the best of our ability.

Wotever Stockholm is a free event with an open stage and open DJ decks for new and established artists. Wotever Stockholm is also the latest part of Wotever World (www.woteverworld.com), an international non-profit organization based in London that hosts regular and touring events in countries far and wide. Based on the principles of equalities, developing and supporting queer communities and encouraging and creating space for artists, Wotever World has been operating internationally since 2003 and continues to grow and develop.

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   https://www.facebook.com/events/606939782755211   vCalendar export  


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