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Liberate your sex: Prototype and Create

⏰️Tisdag 5 augusti 2014, klockan 19:00 — 21:00
📍️ABF, Spånehusvägen 47, Malmö (Skåne län)
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Regnbågsfestivalen – Malmö Pride
Sal 210

Kristoffer Engdahl and Teresa Falomi
Fabriken is a membership-based makers space with tools and machines for digital production, carpentry and electronics. The workshop is available for anyone who enjoys building, creating, designing and prototyping, but we primarily focus on electronics, 3D-modeling and interaction design. Fabriken is a part of Stapelbäddens projects and it runs in cooperation with Arduino Verkstad.

Kristoffer Engdahl works at Arduino Verkstad with 3d printers and CNC machines, with the job-title "3d specialist". He uses, builds and teaches about 3d printers. His background is in mechanics and design. He would love to explore the possibilities for enabling the physically disabled whith the help of technology.

Teresa Falomir is a product-designer from Barcelona, Spain. Teresa used to work at a university workshop in Barcelona until she got an employment at Arduino Verkstad in Malmö. Teresa is specialized in moulding-techniques and prototyping. Is experienced in working with different moulding materials.

WORKSHOP - Fabriken presents

Liberate your sex: Prototype and Create

"Makers" are people who like to recreate, repurpose, and redesign and the "maker movement" is helping to revolutionize our everyday lives. With emerging technologies such as 3D printing and interactive electronics prototyping, it is now easier to create and make the objects of our imagination. How can this technology intersect with our sexuality?

This is a show-and-tell of conceptual sex tools and a demonstration of some of the techniques used to make them. We'll discuss the future of sex - how it can be made more enabling, more accessible, and more personalized. Come participate in a round table discussion about the possibilities these new technologies can offer.

This workshop is held in English

(Logga in för att se medlemsinfo)   http://www.rfsl.se/malmo/regnbagsfestivalen2014/   vCalendar export  


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